Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dune grass greening up

Winter wind has deposited new sand on the dune top and fore dune. The buried European Beach Grass is responding by quickly greening up and soon the grass will be lush and growing thick. As noted before, the dune top/peak is 3-4 feet higher than last year and quite noticeable. If your walking on Discovery Trail from the Seaview Beach Approach to Beard's Hollow, you can see the back side of the new dune height from the trail.

The height addition and slope of the fore dune make it pretty steep to ascend as the sand is still loose and soft so be careful!

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Seaview, Washington, United States
I live a mile from where I was born but sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own strange land. Descendant from gold miners (The Yukon and Mexico), coal miners (Wales, British Columbia and Washington), timbermen (Sweden), sod and berry farmers (Missouri, Washington), Klondikers, fortune seekers and just plain hearty peasant stock.