Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gray January

Gray January

I was awaiting to be picked up at Astoria Ford when this photo appeared. The combination of sunrise, Saddle Mountain, morning light and the remains of the "mudsticks" was just too good to pass up. The piling represent the evolution of the natural resource industry. A marine "way", that is a ramp for hoisting boats in and out of the water and boat shop crosses from left to right and intersects an old train trestle that used to serve a sawmill located up Youngs Bay. CRPA used to build gilnetters at boat shops that were served by such ways. Which came first? Probably the sawmill, which was out of service when the boat shop was in service as the two uses appear mutually exclusive at this location. The photo is representative of change (boats , trains, and tide) and endurance (mountain and sun).

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About Me

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Seaview, Washington, United States
I live a mile from where I was born but sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own strange land. Descendant from gold miners (The Yukon and Mexico), coal miners (Wales, British Columbia and Washington), timbermen (Sweden), sod and berry farmers (Missouri, Washington), Klondikers, fortune seekers and just plain hearty peasant stock.